Gigindia is a great platform to showcase your skills. You get more than 15 choices to select from. Those are viral marketing and promotion, a Campus ambassador and many more on the gigindia website. With the gigindia app, you can also make some good cash. These are some small gigs (small tasks) that are assigned to you that almost take 5-20 mins to do. After the task is complete your task is reviewed and within 1 week you get paid via paytm.
Gigindia has provided a great platform for college going students as they don't need to apply to 10 places for an internship program. Gigindia has covered it all. From there app students can do some small task and get paid for that.
As per business views, gigindia had more than 3lakh+ students all across India to work for them. This is a great advantage for brands who collaborate with gigindia. As they don't need to take care off any social media campaigns and getting their product viral. Gigindia had taken care of it for them.
Invite your friends
Refer your friends to install the app and earn money by doing part time jobs. Share contests and easy gigs by which they may have part time jobs and work from home to earn money. Grow your network by sharing the fun.
Convenient to Use
GigIndia pocket money app provides easy part time jobs that can be performed on your phone. Work from home or do part time jobs from anywhere.
Ease of Use
GigIndia app does not require a user to sign in every time they launch the app. You are free to earn pocket money by performing simple tasks part time jobs and work from home jobs.
Find Internships
GigIndia helps you to find internships with Top Brands. A part time job internship gives you the opportunity to work hands on in a professional environment and get a real world experience. It helps you to build a strong resume and can provide you with the building blocks for a secure career foundation that you need.
Showcase Your Talents
GigIndia pocket money helps you earn money by showcasing your talents and skills through work from home jobs such as content writing, vlogging and social media influencer skills.
Become a Campus Ambassador
A Campus Ambassador (CA) is the prime face of a company in the college and it’s an amazing feel! It gives a reputation to the CA not only within the college can make you famous both within and outside the college. You also earn pocket money on the side.
Online Part Time Jobs are Easier than Ever!
Earn pocket money for performing a part time jobs as simple as downloading an app or sharing a post on Facebook. You can choose to become a Student Ambassador or get a Paid Internship.
Get Rewarded
Participate in contests in the app and be eligible to win prizes. You can earn money and rewards with part time jobs such as content writing, vlogging and social media skills.
The Power is in your hands. Join GigIndia today and start earning pocket money with work from home jobs and part time jobs.
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